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Recruiting a reluctant former member (Richard Kulhman) is the team's only chance to diffuse a satellite weapon that crashed into Earth after falling out of its orbit. Kyle: Brixton Karnes. Erica: Kathy Trageser.

Plot Summary:

A team of geeks from the "First Contact Society" watch a rocket-tank craft land in New Mexico. They approach it bringing greetings from Earth, but the vehicle blasts them with an energy ray. The "spaceship" is actually the Neutron 5XE, a weapon developed for the Chinese 20 years ago. Two 5XEs were launched into orbit and were programmed to land back on earth, drive to a specific location and detonate a Neutron bomb, destroying anything in its path. The first 5XE came down by accident in 1981 in upsate New York and was stopped by Ken Savage, a FLAG operative in the pre-Michael Knight era. General William Simonson is sent to lead an army blockade to stop the 5XE. Jenny knows the General and goes to the blockade to assist. Kyle sends Duke along to keep an eye on her so she won't get too "macho" around her military buddies. The rest of the team begins looking for Ken Savage.

The military blockade launches a full-scale attack against the 5XE, but can not stop it. The tank fires an electro-magnetic pulse against the blockade, rendering all weapons useless against it. Jenny and Duke want to pursue the tank, secure in the fact that their vehicles had EMP shields installed after they went against a similar weapon. ("The Magnificent TKR"). Kyle warns them not to engage the 5XE until they can get more information.

Trek finds and address for Ken Savage from records of his FLAG pension. Trek an Erica find him sleeping in an office in a very bad part of town. They wake him and tell him they are with FLAG and need his help. Ken picks up a filing cabinet and throws it at them and runs out of his office. Trek & Erica chase him in the combo-car as he runs down the street at 62 mile per hour. Kat & Plato separate, and Kat trips Ken using a grappling hook. Trek then recognizes Ken as being an agent from FLAG's "Megaman project", which used genetic engineering to give humans enhanced strength, speed, hearing and vision. Ken was one of Trek's heroes: while at MIT, one of Trek's doctoral thesises was on genetics and he downloaded many of FLAG's files. Kyle briefs Ken on the second 5XE, but Ken refuses to help. Kyle quotes the reserve activation clause which states that FLAG has the right to re-activate Ken as an operative.

Ken accesses FLAG's "Death Probe" file and tells the team about the tank. It was designed by "Megaman's" arch-enemy Nigel Davies, who is now deceased. Ken says that although he stopped the first 5XE, it's too powerful and he can't stop this one. Erica goes to the gym persuade him to help. Ken tells her that he had a partner who was killed trying to stop the first one. Erica berates Ken for passing up on the chance to make his partner's death mean something. Trek researches the original mission. Ken's partner was his new wife, Summer James. Erica feels guilty for being so hard on Ken.

Duke and Jenny try to evacuate a farmer from his home which is in the tank's path, but he refuses to leave. They try to get the 5XE to change its course by having it target them. Mechanic Gil tells Kyle that the EMP shields have been removed from the vehicles; the last mechanic was a saboteur, Kyle had told GIl to remove any parts he didn't recognize. Duke and Jenny return to the farmhouse. Not having time to argue, Jenny punches out the stubborn farmer and they take him and his daughter to safety.

Kyle, Erica and Trek study how Ken and Summer stopped the original 5XE. One of the tank's defensive systems was designed to release a deadly electrical shock if it detected any additional weight on the vehicle. Ken and Summer ran alongside the 5XE and Summer jumped on the tank while Ken tore off an antenna weighing about the same amount as Summer. The defense system stayed off, but a secondary system killed her. Ken comes to the situation room and says he has changed his mind and wants to help stop the 5XE, but he weighs too much. Erica weighs only 7 ounces less than the antenna, so she volunteers to board the tank. Ken briefs Erica how to deactivate the security systems. During the briefing, Ken opens up to Erica and tells her that is has been a long time since a woman has affected him the way she has. They almost exchange a kiss, but Kyle and Trek interrupt.

The team follows the 5XE. Ken and Erica climb on top of the combo car, and Ken tosses Erica on to the tank. Dante fires a grappling hook at the antenna and tears it off just as Erica lands on the tank. She blows the hatch with an explosive charge, climbs inside, and cuts the wires to deactivate the security systems. She triggers a back-up system, which closes a back-up hatch and plays back a pre-recorded video message of Nigel Davies addressing Ken. The message explains that this 5XE was programmed to come down in 1998, around Ken's 40th birthday, as his final revenge. Trek scrambles to put together a device that will create magnetic interference deactivating any booby-traps around the bomb. Ken jumps aboard the 5KE and tears open the hatch, freeing Erica. During the leap, he smashes Trek's device so must stop the tank unprotected. He rips out the necessary wires and circuit boards while subjecting himself to constant shocks. The 5KE comes to a halt. Ken dies in Erica's arms, after thanking her for making him want to live again.

Back on SkyOne, Trek and Erica mourn the loss of the country's greatest unknown hero. Erica suggests that Trek email Newsweek with all of the files he has, so the world will know what a great hero Ken Savage was.

Future Trivia Answers:

Plato's favorite show is "Charlie's Angels" on TNT. He watches the episode where Cheryl Ladd wrestles an alligator.

Trek uses a senior FLAG official's password to access secret files. The password is "caesar", the name of the official's Great Dane which he brought to a FLAG picnic.

Plato shows a file on Ken's former partner. Her full name was "Summer Lyndsay James". Actress Lyndsey Wagner played Jamie Summers, The Bionic Woman. The file also mentions Dr. Martin Brooks. Martin A. Brooks played Dr. Rudy Wells in The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman.

Guest Stars: George Stanford Brown, Richard Kulhman
Special Apperance by George Lazenby
Music by Gary W. Stockdale
Executive Producer Glen A. Larson
Produced by Gil Wadsworth, Scott McAboy
Based on Knight Rider created by Glen A. Larson
Created by Rick Copp & David A. Goodman
Written by Rick Copp & David A. Goodman
Directed by Gil Wadsworth

Daughter: Katie Brewer
Clayton SkyOne Chef: Rick Copp
Soldier: Carlos Del Olmo
Randy: Chris Dollard
Scott the mechanic: Michael Lexx
Farmer: Huck Liggett
Bud: Lex Medlin
Gil: Vince Waldron



The Blonde Woman NL

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The Blonde Woman
Aflevering 16

Uitzenddatum : 10 februari/22 juni 1998

Duke raakt vast in het verkeer terwijl hij "Eve" achterna zit, een huurmoordenaar die een bom draagt op een motorfiets. Eve wordt gezocht voor 56 huurmoorden in 18 landen. Beast biedt aan om "over" het verkeer heen te rijden, maar Duke besluit haar te voet te volgen. Duke rent over de daken van de andere auto's en vangt Eve. Als Duke de motorhelm verwijderd komt hij erachter dat zij eigenlijk een man is en slaat hem bewusteloos.

Aan boord van SkyOne rapporteert Dr Felson dat de gevangen man bewusteloos maar stabiel is. Alhoewel deze man hun enige verbinding met Eve is, wil Kyle niet wachten tot hij wakker is voordat ze hun actie ondernemen. Ze nemen aan dat de man een koerier was die de bom naar Eve bracht. Hij droeg een uitnodiging voor een feestje aan boord van "Drago's Odyssey". De eigenaar van het schip is Aristotle Drago, een Griekse scheepsmagnaat die een Frans cruiseschip heeft gekocht en het laten verbouwen om als zijn persoonlijke huis te gebruiken. Erica is bekend met Drago, omdat ze van plan was Drago te bedriegen voor ze de gevangenis inging. Het team heeft een vage foto van Eve van Interpol, waarop Kyle plant om samen naar het feestje te gaan met Erica, alle gasten te scannen en dan de FLAG computers te laten zoeken naar een match met Eve.Jenny wordt een beetje jaloers als Kyle Erica verkiest boven haar voor het feestje. Trek suggereert dat het is omdat Erica leuker is op feestjes.

Duke gaat aan boord van het schip als vervangend barman en moet weerstand bieden aan David, de nichterige barman die Duke "Isaac" noemt. Kyle en Erica komen aan boord met de gemarkeerde uitnodiging die hen identificeert als degenen met de bom. Erica neemt snel plaats aan de goktafel. Trek en Jenny observeren hen en Jenny is het niet eens met de hoeveelheid lol die Erica heeft. Trek suggereert dat Jenny wat losser moet worden.

Constantine, een van Drago's bewakers meld dat de koerier is aangekomen, maar iemand heeft gebracht. Drago vraagt of ze blond is en zegt dan tegen Constantine om hem in de val te lokken, maar het feestje niet te verstoren. Kyle probeert ongemerkt aan te schuiven bij een blackjack tafel naast een mooie blonde vrouw, maar hij beschaamt zichzelf als hij een 5 dollar fiche neerlegt aan een tafel met een minimum bod van 500 dollar. Met tegenzin legt hij al zijn fiches neer en verliest ze de eerste keer, maar slaagt er wel in om het kamernummer van het blondje te krijgen. Drago's bewaker vindt Kyle en terwijl hij nadert probeert Kyle weg te krijgen bij haar winnende tafel. Duke kijkt toe terwijl de bewaker subtiel Kyle's tafel nadert, maar krijgt geen toestemming van David om de bar te verlaten. Duke schopt een kleine ruzie over de noodzaak om de champagneglazen te vullen voor ze leeg zijn en vertrekt. Zodra Erica realiseert wat er aan de hand is gooit ze al haar fiches in de lucht, waarmee ze een opstootje veroorzaakt groot genoeg om hen te laten ontsnappen. Duke vertraagt de bewaking nog meer door een blad met champagneglazen over hen te gooien. Kyle ontsnapt van het feestje, maar verliest zijn broche met daarin de bewakingscamera. Hij wordt gevangen en geslagen door Drago's bewaking. Drago is verrast dat hij Kyle niet herkent en zegt de bewakers om zijn medeplichtige te vinden. Terug in SkyOne, wordt de gevangene wakker en ontsnapt uit de ziekenkamer.

Eria verstopt zich buiten de kamer van Drago en luister een blonde vrouw (Andrea) die praat over iemand die ze dood wil hebben. De FLAG computers identificeren haar als Eve. Erica schakelt de bewaking uit met haar speciale "parfum" en gaat de kamer binnen. Ze zegt tegen Andrea dat ze gearresteerd is voor 56 moorden (en voor het dragen van een lelijke jurk) maar de vrouw slaat Erica de verdovende parfum uit handen. Erica verrast zichzelf door Andrea in het gezicht te slaan, waardoor ze bewusteloos raakt.

Kyle waarschuwt Drago dat er iemand aan boord is die hem wil vermoorden. Drago zegt dat hij dat al weet en vraagt Kyle hem te vertellen waar "hij" is. Kyle is verbaasd dat Drago denkt dat Eve een man is. Kyle probeert uit te leggen dat hij een overheidsagent is, maar Drago gelooft hem niet en gelast zijn executie. Kyle slaagt erin vrij te komen en springt overboord om te ontsnappen.

Erica en Andrea raken aan de praat in de kamer. Andrea vertelt Erica dat zij niet Eve is. Haar ex man Marcus heeft haar foto's aan de autoriteiten gegeven om iedereen van zijn spoor af te halen. Marcus was door haar geobsedeerd sinds ze hem verliet voor Drago. Drago nodigde Marcus uit voor het feestje om voor eens en altijd met hem af te rekenen, terwijl Marcus plande om haar te doden samen met Drago. Erica rapporteert aan Trek en Jenny dat de ontsnapte gevangene Eve is. Trek ontruimt de garage door te zeggen dat het Michael Knight's verjaardag is en dat ze allemaal een vrije dag hebben. Trek is nerveus door de loslopende moordenaar, terwijl Jenny achter hem aangaat. Trek verstopt zich tijdens een gevecht tussen Jenny en Marcus en Marcus ontsnapt. Hij steelt de bom uit de opslagruimte en gaat naar de garage. Hij raakt gedesorienteerd als de voertuigen tegen hem beginnen te praten en hij vertrekt. Beast wil hem volgen, maar Kat en Domino stellen voor te wachten op Jenny en Trek. Domino merkt de tas van Marcus zodat ze in staat zijn om hem te volgen.

Trek en Jenny volgen Marcus terug naar het schip, waar ze Kyle ontmoeten. Dante scant de ontsteker aan boord. Kyle en Jenny gaan op zoek naar de bom terwijl Duke en Erica proberen het schip te ontruimen. Trek en Duke slagen er niet in het casino rustig te ontruimen. Duke vertelt David over de bom. David begint te gillen en veroorzaakt paniek, waardoor de kamer leeg stroomt. Erica waarschuwt Drago en Andrea dat Marcus aan boord is met een bom. Drago vreest dat Marcus probeert hen naar buiten te drijven. Erica trekt de jurk van Andrea aan om een afleiding te vormen. Marcus vind Erica en steelt haar armband die hij uit een museum gestolen heeft. Marcus Antonius gaf de armband aan Cleopatra in 41 V.C. en Marcus gaf hem aan Andrea voor hun derde huwelijksdag.

Kyle en Jenny gaan naar de boilerruimte en vinden de bom, maar slagen er niet in hem te ontmantelen. Ze proberen vervolgens te ontsnappen maar verdwalen op weg naar buiten. Uiteindelijk slagen ze erin op het dek te komen en geven de bom aan Trek ter ontmanteling. Trek gooit hem overboord door een van de kleiduivenschieters te gebruiken, zodat hij veilig ontploft. Marcus ontsnapt naar de kust en probeert Dante te stelen. Deze geeft hem echter een electrische schok en vangt hem. Drago bied zijn excuses aan aan Kyle en hoopt dat er geen problemen meer zijn. Kyle verzekert Drago dat hij hem zal pakken bij de eerste de beste gelegenheid. Terwijl ze zich klaarmaken om te vertrekken, wijst Jenny op een vlek op Kyle's shirt. Als hij naar beneden kijkt, tikt ze hem op de neus proberend om leuk te zijn. Niemand schijnt de grap te snappen.



The Blonde Woman ENG

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A cross-dressing assassin (Victor Bevine) tricks the team into capturing the wrong "man," and they must find the real one before he can claim another victim. Kyle: Brixton Karnes. Erica: Kathy Trageser. Trek: Nick Wechsler.

Plot Summary:

Duke is stuck in rush hour traffic while chasing "Eve" a deadly assassin carrying a bomb on a motorcycle. Eve is wanted for 56 contract kills in 18 countries. Beast offers to "monster truck" over the traffic, but Duke decides to chase her on foot. Duke runs over the roofs of the other cars and catches Eve. When Duke removes the motorcycle helmet, he finds out that she is actually a man and punches him out.

Aboard SkyOne, Dr. Felson reports (in a roundabout way(that the captured man is unconscious but in stable condition. Although this man is their only connection to Eve, Kyle doesn't want to wait for him to awaken for them to make their move. They assume the man is a courier who was bringing the bomb to Eve. He was carrying a black-tie invitation to a party aboard "Drago's Odyssey". The ship is owned by Aristotle Drago, a Greek shipping tycoon who purchased a French cruise ship and converted it for use as his personal residence. Erica is familiar with Drago, because before she went to jail she was planning to con Drago. The team has a blurry photo of Eve from Interpol, so Kyle plans to have him and Erica attend the party, scan all the guests and have the FLAG computers find a match for Eve. Jenny becomes a little jealous and defensive when Kyle chooses Erica over her for the mission. Trek suggests that it's because Erica's more fun at a party.

Duke places himself on board the ship as a replacement bartender, and must put up with "David", the prissy cruise director who calls Duke "Isaac". Kyle and Erica arrive on board with the marked invitation identifying them as the ones with the bomb. Erica quickly hits the craps table and Kyle warns her that per-diem only works out to $500 a week. Trek and Jenny monitor their surveillance, and Jenny doesn't approve of how much fun Erica is having. Trek suggests that Jenny lighten up a bit.

Constantine, one of Drago's guards reports that the courier has arrived, but has brought an accomplice. Drago asks if she's blonde, then tells Constantine to trap him but not to disturb the party. Kyle tries to suavely join a blackjack table next to a beautiful blonde, but embarrasses himself when he puts down a five-dollar chip at a $500 minimum bid table. He reluctantly puts down all of his chips and loses it in one hand, but he does get the blonde's stateroom number. Drago's guards locate Kyle, and as the begin to close in Kyle tries to get Erica away from her winning streak at the craps table. Duke watches as the guards subtly approach Kyle, but David won't allow Duke to leave his post at the bar. Duke throws a small hissy-fit about needing to refill the champaign glasses before the drinks get flat, and he leaves. Once Erica realizes what is happening, she tosses all of her chips in the air creating a frenzy allowing them to escape. Duke stalls the guards some more by spilling his tray of champaign on them. Kyle escapes the party, but loses his broach with the surveillance camera in it. He is captured and beaten by Drago's guards. Drago is surprised that he doesn't recognize Kyle, and tells the guards to find his companion (Erica). Back on SkyOne, the prisoner awakens and breaks out of the medical room.

Erica hides outside Drago's stateroom, and overhears a blonde woman (Andrea) talking about wanting someone killed. The FLAG computers identify her as being Eve. Erica knocks out the guard with her special "perfume" and enters the stateroom. She tells Andrea that she is under arrest for 56 murders (and for wearing an ugly dress), but the woman knocks Erica's tranquilizer perfume bottle out of her hands. Erica surprises herself my punching Andrea in the face and knocking her out.

Kyle warns Drago that someone is on board trying to kill him. Drago says he already knows this and asks Kyle to tell him where "he" is. Kyle is surprised that Drago thinks Eve is a man. Kyle tries to explain that he's a government agent, but Drago doesn't believe him and orders him killed. Kyle breaks free and jumps overboard to escape.

Erica and Andrea start to chat in the stateroom. Andrea tells Erica that she is not Eve; her ex-husband Marcus has been leaking pictures of her to authorities to throw them off of his track. Marcus was obsessed with her ever since she left him for Drago. Drago invited Marcus to the party to finish him once and for all, and Marcus was likewise planning on killing her and Drago. Jenny reports back to Trek and Jenny that their escaped prisoner is the assassin Eve. Trek vacates the garage by telling the maintenance crew that it's Michael Knight's birthday and they all have the day off. Trek is nervous about having the assassin on the loose, and Jenny "goes Commando" to hunt Marcus/Eve down. Trek cowers during a hallway fight between Jenny and Marcus, and Marcus escapes. He steals the bomb from the storage area and goes to the garage. He is disoriented when the vehicles start talking to him and he leaves. Beast wants to follow, but Kat and Domino suggest they should wait for Jenny and Trek. Domino tags Marcus' bag with a transponder so they will be able to follow him.

Trek and Jenny track Marcus back to the ship, where the meet up with Kyle. Dante detects the detonator on board. Kyle and Jenny go to find the bomb while Duke and Erica try to evacuate the ship. Trek and Duke try unsuccessfully to calmly evacuate the casino. Duke tells David about the bomb and David starts screaming and creates a panic, emptying the room. Erica warns Drago and Andrea that Marcus is onboard with a bomb. Drago fears that Marcus is just trying to flush them out into the open. Erica puts on Andrea's dress to act as decoy. Marcus finds Erica and steals her bracelet; he stole it from the British museum. Mark Antony gave the bracelet to Cleopatra in 41 B.C., and Marcus gave it to Andrea for their third anniversary.

Kyle and Jenny go to the bolier room and find the bomb but are unable to disarm it. They try to get it off the ship but get lost trying to find their way out. They eventually make their way to the main deck and give the bomb to Trek to disarm it. Trek throws it overboard using one of the clay pigeon launchers where it safely explodes. Marcus escapes to shore and tries to steal Dante, but Dante gives Marcus an electrical shock and captures him.

. Drago offers his apologies to Kyle and hopes there are no hard feelings. Kyle assures Drago that he'll nail him the first chance he gets. As the team prepares to leave, Jenny points out a stain on Kyle's shirt. When he looks down, she hits him in the nose trying to be funny. No one else seems to get the joke.

Future Trivia Answers:

Trek's suggestions for Jenny to pull a prank:
1. Hide Kyle's hair gel
2. Short-sheet Erica's bed
3. Let the air out of Kat's tires
4. Put an obscene bumber sticker on Domino
5. Fill Duke's boxing gloves with shaving cream
Trek lies to the mechanics by telling them it's Michael Knight's birthday. Michael's "real" birthday is January 9th. (Michael Long's tombstone in the original series episode "A Good Knight's Work" reads "Jan 9, 1949 - Aug 8, 1982")

Guest Stars:
Victor Bevine
Tamara Clatterbuch
Kabir Bedi as Aristotle Drago
Music by Gary W. Stockdale
Executive Producer Glen A. Larson
Produced by Gil Wadsworth, Scott McAboy
Based on Knight Rider created by Glen A. Larson
Created by Rick Copp & David A. Goodman
Written by Steven Kriozere
Directed by Gil Wadsworth

Croupier: Juan Carlos Cantu
Clayton, The SkyOne Chef: Rick Copp
Dealer: Kate Frisina
David: Michael Irpino
Constantine: Sonny Marinelli
Dr. Felson: Steve Sheridan
Blonde Woman: Shannon Stone
Gil, The Mechanic: Vince Waldron