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When a madman targets Washington, D.C. landmarks for destruction, the team suspects one of its own to be a saboteur. Kyle: Brixton Karnes. Jenny: Christine Steel.

Plot Summary:

In Washington D.C., Kyle, Jenny, and Duke stop a semi-truck carrying a shipment of missiles and other heavy artillery. Kyle is convinced that the men they captured are not the brains behind the operation. The mysterious "ventilator man", Mobius, watches the team, and triggers a bomb planted in the truck. A spectacular explosion completely destroys the truck.

While working out in the gym, Kyle tells Duke that he suspects many of TKR's cases may be linked by a single mastermind behind each crime. Kyle dislocates his shoulder trying a bench press, but Duke forces it back in place.
Mobius taps into SkyOne's comm system and tells Kyle that TKR has interfered with his plans for the last time. Jenny traces the call. As she leaves to investigate the location of the call, Dennis the mechanic asks her to listen to a CD of his nephew's band. Jenny reluctantly agrees to listen to it on the road. She arrives at an empty secluded house. The phone is left off the hook, with a note that reads "Drive safely Jenny". As Jenny is returning to SkyOne, Domino tells her that there is something wrong with her fuel tank; Jenny will have to pull over and make a visual inspection. She pulls into an alley and gets out of Domino. Domino starts chasing Jenny down the alley. Jenny uses her martial arts training and is able to do a back flip over Domino's hood and land inside, where she quickly overrides Domino's systems.

Back aboard SkyOne, Dennis and Trek examine Domino, but can't figure out what caused the malfunction. The owner of the house also remains a mystery, but Dante notices wheelchair tracks in the carpet from Domino's video scans. Mobius contacts the team again, and tells them that at 6pm a bomb will explode at the city's finest mall, and that he assumes he made his point. They figure out the bomb must be located in the Washington Monument in the Washington Mall. Kyle, Trek and Duke go to the monument, and Dante scans a strange object inside. They close down the monument and Duke goes inside. He discovers the "bomb", but it turns out to just be just a toy that plays "Pop Goes the Weasel" when it "explodes".

Leaving the monument, they get stuck behind a little old lady weaving back and forth. Dante announces that he's going into combat mode. At first, Kyle thinks he's joking, but then realizes Dante is serious. Duke and Kyle struggle to get Dante under control, but only manage to turn him off the road just before he fires a missile. The rocket destroys the upper part of the Washington Monument.

News reports announce that the attack on the Monument may have been a result of "friendly fire", and Kyle receives a call from the President. Trek finds a computer virus in the cars, but the vehicles are supposed to be immuned to external viruses, so he suspects a saboteur must have had dircet access to the vehicles. Mobius calls the team again, telling them he plans to blow the addict off of George's attic, and calls Kyle a "meathead". After some discussion, they assume Mobius meant the Smithsonian, America'a attic. Some loud banging interrupts their meeting, and they go to the garage where Beast is trying to ram his way off the plane. Kyle is nearly electrocuted when he jumps on Beast's hood in an attempt to stomp him. Trek manages to attach some electrical contacts to Beast and deactivate him.

Trek learns that the virus is being transferred from one car to another each time they interface. He assumes Kat and Plato are unaffected, so Kyle and Trek take those vehicles to the Smithsonian. Plato quotes lines from "All in the Family" to Trek; since Mobius called Kyle a Meathead, Archie's nickname for his son-in-law, Plato assumes the bomb must be in Archie Bunker's chair located in the Smithsonian. They start ripping the chair apart, but can't find the bomb. When they return to the vehicles, Plato tells Trek "You dropped the bomb on me" (The Gap Band, 1984) Trek finds a small bomb that someone slipped into his pocket.

Trek races to throw the bomb safely into the river, but runs into the Presidential motorcade. He breaks through security, causing a panic. Unable to reach the river in time, Trek tries to launch the bomb away on one of Plato's rockets, and winds up destroying more of the Washington Monument.

Meanwhile, Kyle watches a man in a wheelchair re-enter the building. Kyle confronts him, and he identifies himself as "Mobius". They exchange threats and promises, but as Kyle approaches him, Mobius fire a tranquilizing dart at him.

Chef Clayton confesses to Mechanic Dennis: he substituted fat-free cream in the meals 2 weeks ago. Jenny identifies Dennis as the person who infected the cars with the virus by implanting it in the CD he gave Jenny to listen to. Dennis claims he didn't just do it for the money Mobius paid him; he never really felt part of the "team".

Future Trivia Answers:

Jenny tells the police that motorists who got in the way during the chase can have their insurance companies contact FLAG.

Chef Clayton is played by Executive Producer Rick Copp.

SkyOne pages Frank Poole and Dave Bowman, two characters from "2001: A Space Odyssey". Later, Dante paraphrases HAL by saying "I'm afraid I can't do that, Kyle."

Guest Stars: Jim Fyfe, David McCullum as Mobius
Music by Gary W. Stockdale
Executive Producer Glen A. Larson
Produced by Gil Wadsworth, Scott McAboy
Based on Knight Rider created by Glen A. Larson
Created by Rick Copp & David A. Goodman
Written by Marcus Miller
Directed by William Warren

Clayton, the SkyOne chef: Rick Copp
Tour Guide: Odalys Nanin
Voice of WTN Newscaster: Mark Kryski



The Bad Seed NL

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The Bad Seed
Aflevering 12

Uitzenddatum : 12 januari/25 mei 1998

Een groep met in bikini geklede vrouwen houdt een passerende vrachtwagen aan, claimend dat ze een lekke band hebben. Ze slaan de twee bewakers bewusteloos en stelen de inhoud van de truck, een lading van het Tanus Root Virus.

Alhoewel de CDC, FBI en de CIA betrokken zijn bij het terugvinden van het virus, is TKR verantwoordelijk voor het vinden van Dokter Adam Toma, een hardcore milieuvriend die in 1982 ontslag nam bij E.D. Biotech nadat hij weigerde onderzoek te doen naar chemische wapens. Het team moet onderzoek doen om Dr Toma te vinden. Jenny suggereert dat Trek en Erica de overheids bestanden doen, Duke moet in het buitenland kijken en Jenny en Kyle zullen de publieke bestanden doen. Erica plaagt Jenny met het feit dat ze met Kyle moet werken.

Trek vindt informatie over de "Rosen Foundation" een non-profit groep gevormd door Dr Toma in 1982. De belastingpapieren werden verzonden naar het eiland San Cartega, vlakbij Cuba. Kyle kent het eiland, het werd vroeger gebruikt door Sovjets. Als de rest van het team vraagt hoe Kyle dit weet, wordt hij ontwijkend. Blijkbaar was hij betrokken bij een operatie in zijn tijd bij de CIA waar hij niet over kan praten. Kyle zegt tegen de piloot Wyatt koers te zetten naar het eiland, Wyatt kent het eiland ook maar Kyle stopt hem voor hij verdere uitleg kan geven. Erica suggereert dat ze op de terugweg stoppen op Aruba, waar ze een Sultan met een jacht kent. Kyle zegt "Geen vakanties."

Terwijl hij een verkenningsvlucht uitvoert boven het eiland, ontvangt piloot Wyatt een waarschuwing over schending van de luchtruimte. Hij denkt dat het een automatisch bericht is, overgebleven van de Sovjet bezetting, maar al snel wordt SkyOne beschoten met laserstralen, op last van Dr Toma op het eiland. SkyOne wordt geraakt in de lucht en Wyatt probeert een nood landing. De garagebemanning probeert de wagens vast te zetten met kabels. De deur vliegt open en Duke en Trek proberen te voorkomen dat Beast naar buiten glijd. Ze slagen er niet in en ze vallen met zijn drieen naar buiten. SkyOne crasht op een eiland een kilometer of 20 van San Cartega af. Kyle neemt aan dat Beast de val zou kunnen overleven als hij zijn parachute gebruikt die gemaakt is om de voertuigen af te remmen niet voor een vrije val. Een electronisch schild voorkomt communicatie van SkyOne naar San Cartega en Kyle vraagt aan Erica om een korte afstand communicatie op te zetten zodat ze contact op kunnen nemen met Beast. Erica zegt ok en delegeert de taak onmiddellijk aan Dante.

Duke en Trek worden wakker met Beast op San Cartega. Beast wordt sentimenteel (voor zijn doen) en bedankt Duke voor het bij hem blijven terwijl hij naar buiten gleed, maar waarschuwt hem er niet teveel van te denken. Trek en Duke onderzoeken het eiland en ontdekken drie prachtige vrouwen die liggen te zonnen. De vrouwen vertellen dat dit eiland alleen voor vrouwen is. De enige man is Dr Toma die de baas is. Hij heeft 100 knappe vrouwen van over de hele wereld uitgenodigd om drie maanden op zijn eiland door te brengen. Ze stemmen toe hen naar de gebouwen te brengen, maar Duke zegt tegen Trek dat slechts 1 van hen moet gaan en dat de ander terug naar Beast moet om contact op te nemen met SkyOne. Omdat Trek de slimme is, gaat hij terug naar Beast terwijl Duke met de vrouwen meegaat. Een van de vrouwen stemt toe mee te gaan met Trek. Trek zegt tegen Missy dat hij afgestudeerd is aan M.I.T. maar ze vraagt hem "Wat is MIT?"

Duke sluipt naar binnen in het gebouw en vind blikken met daarop de namen van de grote wereld rivieren. Hij vindt het beveiliginspaneel en neemt contact op met Trek. Trek vertelt Duke hoe hij het beveiligingsschild moet uitzetten. Duke wordt betrapt en het schild gaat weer omhoog. Trek slaagt erin een gedeeltelijke boodschap te verzenden in morsecode "Plato : Mars Needs." Plato herkent de referentie "Tommy Kirk, Yvonne Craig, 1968, Mars Needs Women. Two Thumbs Up!" Kat wordt bang als ze zich realiseert wat Plato bedoelt, alleen vrouwen mogen het eiland op. Erica weet te voorkomen dat ze gezonden wordt. Ze vertelt Kyle dat Jenny meer training heeft, meer landingen heeft gemaakt en minder snel ziek wordt. Erica daarentegen heeft hooikoorts, alles wat groen is geeft haar uitslag en ze is bezig met een communicatieprobleem. Kyle en Jenny komen overeen dat Jenny moet gaan.

Duke wordt naar Dr Toma gebracht. Hij vertelt de dokter dat hij door de regering gezonden is om het virus te stoppen en dat Dr Toma de expert is. Dr Toma zegt dat hij geen interesse heeft om de regering te helpen omdat ze het milieu niet willen beschermen. Jenny komt aan op het eiland en ontmoet Beast, Trek en Missy. Ze trekt een bikini aan zodat ze niet opvalt tussen de andere vrouwen als ze rondsluipt. Jenny vindt Duke vastgebonden in een opslagruimte. Ze leggen hun informatie bij elkaar en ontdekken dat Dr Toma het virus in alle rivieren wil vrij laten zodat het in de voedselketen terecht komt.

Jenny vertelt Beast de weg te blokkeren naar de landingsbaan zodat de vrouwelijke piloten niet met het virus kunnen vertrekken. Beast laat Missy rijden. De piloten proberen zich een weg te vechten. Duke wordt herhaaldelijk in een gevoelig gebied getrapt en Trek wordt gevangen in een beenslot. Jenny en Missy hebben meer succes in het bevechten van de piloten. Beast helpt mee door een verdovingspijltje te schieten op Trek's tegenstander. Een piloot slaagt erin te ontsnappen. Beast vuurt een raket af om haar te stoppen, maar ze slaagt erin te ontkomen.

Jenny en Missy vertellen de andere vrouwen over het plan van Dr Toma om de bevolking van de aarde uit te roeien en opnieuw te beginnen met hem als Adam en zij als Eva's. Ze stemmen toe om hen te helpen tegen Dr Toma en zijn bewakers. Trek dwingt Dr Toma te vertellen waar de ontsnapte piloot precies heenging. Trek steekt zijn vinger in zijn oor, zijn neus en tussen zijn tanden om zoveel mogelijk bacterieen te vangen en wijst dan naar de bacterie-angstige Dr Toma om de informatie te krijgen. Mechanicien Gil slaagt erin twee motors van SkyOne aan de praat te krijgen en het vliegtuig gaat naar het Headwaters State Park langs de Mississippi. Kyle en Erica voorkomen dat de piloot het virus in het water loslaat.

Kyle neemt contact op met Trek en zegt dat ze snel terugkomen om hen op te pikken. Trek en Duke krijgen drankjes en massages en zeggen tegen Kyle dat hij zeker moet weten dat alles werkt voor hij terugkomt. Ze houden het nog wel even vol op het eiland.



The Bad Seed ENG

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Duke (Duane Davis) and Trek land on an island inhabited by beautiful women, where they must stop a doctor planning to poison the world's rivers with a deadly virus.

Plot Summary:

A group of bikini-clad women flag down a passing transport truck, claiming they have a flat tire. The they knock out the two guards and steal the truck's cargo: a shipment of the Tanus Root virus (biohazard level four).

Although the CDC, FBI and CIA are also involved in recovering the virus, TKR is responsible for locating Doctor Adam Toma, a hard-core environmentalist who resigned in 1982 from E.D. Biotech laboratories after refusing to do research on chemical weapons. The team must do research to locate Dr. Toma: Jenny suggests that Trek and Erica take government files, Duke should look overseas, and Jenny and Kyle will take domestic public records. Erica teases Jenny about how convenient it is that she gets to work with Kyle.

Trek finds files on the "Rosen Foundation", a non-profit group formed by Dr. Toma in 1982. The tax records were sent to the island of San Cartega, off of cuba. Kyle is familiar with the island; is was formerly used for bases by the Soviets. When the rest of the team asks how Kyle knows about this, Kyle becomes evasive. Apparently, he was involved with some operation there when he was with the C.I.A., but he can't talk about it. Kyle tells pilot Wyatt to set a course to the island; Wyatt also knows San Cartega but Kyle stops him before he can explain further. Erica suggests that after the mission they stop by Aruba (she knows a Sultan there with a yacht) but Kyle says "no vacations".

While doing a reconnaissance flyover, Captain Wyatt hears a warning message about violating air space. He believes it's an automated system left over from the Soviet occupation, but soon a laser beam strikes SkyOne, by order of Dr. Toma on the island. SkyOne is crippled in midair and Captain Wyatt attempts an emergency landing. The garage crew struggles to strap in the cars with lock-down cables. The garage bay door flys open, and Duke and Trek try to keep Beast from sliding out. They are unsuccessful, and the 3 of them fall out of the plane. SkyOne crash lands on an island about 10 miles from San Cartega. Kyle assumes Beast could survive the fall by using the drag 'chute even though it's intended to slow the vehicles, not for free-fall. An electronic shield blocks communication from SkyOne to San Cartega, and Kyle tells Erica to re-establish short-range communication so they can contact Beast. Erica says "OK" but immediately gets Dante to do the work. BR>
Duke and Trek awaken with Beast on San Cartega. Beast gets sentimental (for him) and thanks Duke for sticking with him as he was sliding out of the hatch, but warns him not to let it go to his head. Trek and Duke explore the island, and find 3 beautiful women lying in the sun. The women tell them that this is an island for women only. The only man is Dr. Adam Toma, who runs the Paradise Spa. He invited 100 beautiful women from around the world to spend 3 months on his island paradise. They agree to lead the way to the spa buildings, but Duke tells Trek that one of them needs to go back to Attack Beast and try to contact SkyOne. Since Trek is the "smart one", Trek returns to Beast while Duke selflessly remains with the 100 men-starved women. One of the women, "Missy", agrees decides to go with Trek. Trek tells Missy he graduated from M.I.T. when he was 10, but she asks "what's mit?"

Duke sneaks inside one of the buildings and finds canisters with names of major world rivers on them. He finds the security console and contacts Trek. Trek walks Duke through the steps to turn down the voltage amplifier to lower the shield around the island. Duke is captured and the shield is put back up. Trek is only able to send a partial morse code message at 20 Hz: "PLATO: MARS NEEDS -". Plato knows the reference, "Tommy Kirk, Yvonne Craig, 1968, Mars Needs Women. Two thumbs up!" Kat is frightened to realize she knows what Plato means: whoever goes to San Cartega should be female. Erica squirms her way out of being sent. She tells Kyle that Jenny has Marine Jungle training, has made amphibious landings, and never gets sick. Erica in the other hand, is allergic to pollen, anything green gives her a rash, as she's busy with the communication problem. Kyle and Jenny agree that Jenny should be the one to go.

Duke is brought to Dr. Toma. He tells the doctor he was sent because the government wanted his help to stop the virus, since he was the expert. Dr. Toma says he has no interest in helping the government, since they seem to have no interest in protecting the environment. Jenny arrives on the island, and meets up with Beast, Trek and Missy. She slips into a bikini so whe won't be noticed among the other women as she sneaks around the spa. Jenny finds Duke tied up in a store room. They compare notes, and learn that Dr. Toma plans on releasing the virus into major rivers of the world so it will enter the food chain.

Jenny tells Beast to block the road to the airstrip to stop a group of female pilots from leaving with the virus. Beast lets Missy drive. The pilots try to fight their way out. Duke repeatedly gets kicked in a "sensative" area, and Trek gets trapped in a leg-lock. Jenny and Missy seem to have better luck fighting as they take on the pilots. Beast helps out by shooting a tranquilizer dart at Trek's wrestling challenger. One pilot manages to escape. Beast fires a missile to destroy her plane, but she's nearly out of his one-mile range and she escapes.

Jenny and Missy tell the other women of Dr. Toma's plan to wipe out the earth's population and start over with him being a new "Adam" and the rest of them "Eves". They agree to help take over the spa from Dr. Toma and his female guards. Trek forces Dr. Toma to tell him exactly where the escaped pilot was heading. Trek sticks his finger in his ear, nose and between his teeth to get it as germ-full as possible, then points it at the germ-paranoid Dr. Toma to get the information. Mechanic Gil manages to get two of SkyOne's engines online and the plane heads for Headwaters State Park along the Mississippi river. Kyle and Erica stop the pilot from releasing the virus into the water.

Kyle contacts Trek to tell him that SkyOne will be ready to pick them up shortly. Trek and Duke are sipping drinks while getting massages, and tell Kyle he should double check everything to make sure all systems are truly up and running. They'll rough it out on the island for a while.

Future Trivia Answers:

James Bond reference: Trek tells Kyle that doing research sounds like something Miss Monneypenny should be doing, not James Bond.

San Cartega is located 80NM SW of Cuba, 21.56N 78.84W according to the data screen; Kyle tells Captain Wyatt to head to 74 degrees latitude by 20 degrees longitude.

Guest Stars: Kevin West, Caroline Leedom
Music by Gary W. Stockdale
Executive Producer Glen A. Larson
Produced by Gil Wadsworth, Scott McAboy
Based on Knight Rider created by Glen A. Larson
Created by Rick Copp & David A. Goodman
Written by Regge Bulman & Clay Eide
Directed by William Warren

Beautiful Woman #1: Laurie Carrosco
Beautiful Woman #2: Elan Carter Captain J.P. Wyatt: Lowell Dean Co-Pilot: Chris Faulk Blonde Woman: Kim Gagliano Security Officer: Lucy Goncalves Bather #1: Elizabeth Hobgood Ned: Jim Meskimen Bather #2: Alison Moreno Don: Marc Silver Beautiful Woman #4: Tracy Stockwell Gil: Vince Waldronv