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Erica (Kathy Trageser) infiltrates a gang of financial saboteurs, but her behavior leads Kyle to think she may have worked her last day for the team. Kyle: Brixton Karnes.

Plot Summary:

Erica goes undercover to infiltrate a group of international criminals and shoots Jenny after a high-speed chase. Jenny is wearing a bullet-proof vest. Jenny believes that Erca knew she was wearing the vest, but Kyle fears that Eria has returned to a life of crime. Kyle requests from his superiors to have 48 hours to let Erica prove herself.

Erica's new team includes Akito Hiroshi, a computer expert; Ohad Jamal, a renowned safe cracker and explosives expert; and Chelsea O'Reilly, a contortionist trained with Cirque de Soleil.

Erica and her co-criminals rob an armored truck, but only contains about $100,000; a small amount for such an elite group of terrorists. However, the true target turns out to be computer information located on the truck containing security about the Federal Reserve Bank. Erica uses a Frequency Disruptor blast to immobilize the TKR vehicles when they come to stop them. Kyle's anger towards Erica grows as the rest of the team continues to trust that Erica is still on their side.

The criminals meet their benefactor, Adam Galbreth, "one of the richest men in the world".

Erica and Adam are quick to get intimate, sharing some passionate kisses in a bubble bath. Erica mentions her former husband and how she broke the cardinal rule of con artists: "Never Trust Anyone." Erica tries to get in contact with TKR, but is interrupted by Adam.

Adam gives Erica a beautiful diamond necklace, which she is eager to accept. TKR tries to override Erica's com-link to get in contact with her, and Adam discovers the com-link. Erica explains that it's a tacky watch, reminding her to change the battery, but Adam isn't convinced.

Adam lets Erica believe they will be attacking the Federal reserve in San Francisco, and Erica reports this back to TKR. Erica tells Jenny that she knew Jenny was wearing the bullet-proof vest because it made her outfit look like hell. The TKR team still questions her loyalty, wondering if Erica was telling the truth or just trying to mislead them. They realize that the only the Bureau of Engraving & Printing, next to the Federal Reserve in Fort Worth Texas would require the skills of a contortionist to break in. By introducing more currency into circulation, Galbraith plans to devalue the American Dollar and make his overseas assers worth more.

During the heist, Adam tells Erica he knows she working undercover. Meanwhile, Kyle discovers that Erica must have been lied to about San Fransisco, and therefore she must have blown her cover.

The TKR team arrives in Fort Worth- Jenny takes out Akito with her own brand of martial arts. Adam forces Jenny to drive the get-away truck with Ohad in back. Duke leaps on to some netting in the back of the truck and is thrown around as Erica drives recklessly throughout the city. Adam uses up all his bullets trying to shoot at Dante and Plato in persuit. Once the gun is empty, Erica stoos the rig.

Erica offers her apologies to Kyle and promises that from now on, she'll do everything by the book. Kyle speaks to his superior, asking for leniency when dealing with Erica, since she violated her agreement with TKR by disobeying orders.

Future Trivia answers:

Erica's team steals $102,525 from the armored truck.



Choctaw L-9 NL

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Choctaw L-9
Aflevering 6

Uitzenddatum : 10 november 1997/16 maart 1998/14 september 1998

Een mooie tweeling "Miss Kassidy"en "Miss Kari" stelen een geavanceerde helicopter, de Choctaw L-9, van een luchtmachtbasis. De helicopter had niet veel brandstof, dus Team Knight Rider neemt aan dat hij over land getransporteerd moet zijn. Ze ontdekken een grote vrachtwagen die gestolen werd 4 mijl van de luchtmachtbasis, en ze nemen aan dat de helicopter erin zit. Terwijl ze zich voorbereiden om het spoor te volgen, krijgen ze van FBI hoofd Maddox de opdracht om niet verder te gaan met hun onderzoek. Kyle gehoorzaamt niet en stuurt het team op pad om de vrachtwagen te onderzoeken.

Terwijl ze de truck een tunnel injagen, vuurt een van de bestuurders een chemische rook af waardoor alle scanners en bijna alle bestuurders verblind worden. Kyle schiet handmatig een van Dante's raketten af, waardoor de hele truck ontploft. De bestuurder komt hier bij om. Bij nader onderzoek blijkt dat de ontplofte truck niet de truck was die ze oorspronkelijk volgden.

Kyle wordt geschorst van TKR omdat een burger is gestorven dankzij zijn ongehoorzaamheid. Trek laat hem in zijn bungalow blijven. TKR wordt onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de FBI geplaatst, op orders van de president. De nieuwe teamleider is Speciaal Agent Kobak. Kobak legt strenge regels op aan TKR en hernoemt Dante zelfs tot Dan.

Kat analyseert de videoopnamen van het ongeluk en ontdekt dat de truck was bewerkt om te ontploffen. Omdat het menselijke team orders heeft om geen contact op te nemen met Kyle, sluipt Dante naar buiten om het nieuws over te brengen.

Kyle probeert het nieuws over te brengen aan zijn superieur, maar hem wordt gezegd dat hij moet wachten tot de hoorzitting. Een mysterieuze man klimt in Dante, maar wordt niet opgepikt door Dante's sensors. De man verteld Kyle dat hij moet zoeken naar "Mr Fantastic" de zogenaamd gestorven truck chauffeur.

Dante identificeert de bestuurder als Reed Northmoor, een acteur. Kyle zoekt hem op in zijn appartement en treft hem levend en wel aan. Dan worden ze allebei onder vuur genomen door Miss Cassidy en Miss Kerry. Na een krappe ontsnapping (met behulp van Dante die zijn achteruitkijkspiegel gebruikt om de zon te reflecteren in hun richting), vertelt Reed aan Kyle dat hij ingehuurd was door de FBI om de truck te rijden. Het lijk was van de medische school.

Dante brengt Kyle naar de plaats waar de truck met de Choctaw staat. Deze is gevonden door een nieuwshelicopter. Dante moet terugkeren naar Sky One voordat Kobak hem mist. De andere wagens proberen Kobak op te houden. Plato schiet hem in zijn achterste met een electrische sonde, Kat vraagt hem te kijken naar een lage uitstoot motor en Beast zet hem simpel weg vast tegen de muur. Dante komt terug, maar Kobak ontdekt dat "Dan's" motor warm is.

Kyle ziet dat Maddox in de gestolen truck rijd. Hij neemt contact op met TKR, maar wordt door Kobak afgesneden omdat contact met Kyle niet toegestaan is. Het team probeert Kobak er van te overtuigen dat Maddox de smokkelaar is en het team lang genoeg probeert tegen te houden om de Choctaw het land uit te krijgen. Uiteindelijk geeft Kobak toe.

Maddox ontdekt Kyle en stuurt Miss Cassidy en Miss Kerry achter hem aan. Maddox bestuurt de Choctaw en vuurt een raket af op Kyle. Hij mist maar de explosie slingert Kyle op de poten van de helicopter. De rest van het team komt aan en Attack Beast vuurt een raket af op de helicopter voordat hij doorheeft dat Kyle erin zit. Gelukkig mist hij. Kyle klimt in de cockpit, schakelt Maddox uit en krijgt een snelle vliegles van Dante om de helicopter te laten landen. Kobak geeft het team terug aan Kyle. Terwijl de criminelen worden afgevoerd, ziet Kyle het silhouet van dezelfde man die hem vertelde dat de truckbestuurder nog leefde.



Choctaw L-9 ENG

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While on the trail of a stolen helicopter, a mishap forces the suspension of Kyle (Brixton Karnes), but a voice guides him to find the aircraft.

Plot Summary:

Two beautiful twins, "Miss Kassidy" and "Miss Kari", steal a high-tech helicopter, the Choctaw L-9, from an air force base. The helicopter was low on fuel, so Team Knight Rider assumes that it must be transported by land. They discover that a big rig was stolen just 4 miles from the base, and assume that the helicopter must be inside. As they prepare to follow their lead, FBI Section Chief Maddox orders them not to continue their investigation. Kyle disobeys, and sends the team out to locate the rig.

As they chase the truck into a tunnel, one of the drivers detonates a special chemical smoke bomb that blocks the vehicles' scanners and nearly blinds all the drivers. Kyle manually fires one of Dante's missiles at the rig's tire, but the entire truck blows up, killing the driver. Upon closer examination, they discover that the exploded truck was not the original truck they were following.

Kyle is suspended from TKR because a civilian dies as a direct result of him disobeying an order. Trek lets him stay in his condo. TKR is put under the jurisdiction of the FBI, by order of the president. The new team leader is Special Agent Kobak. Kobak imposes strict rules on TKR, and even renames Dante "Dan".

Kat analyzes the video footage of the footage, and discovers that the truck was rigged to explode. Since the human team is under orders not to be in contact with Kyle, Dante sneaks out to give him the news.

Kyle tries to bring the new evidence to his superior officer, but is told taht any evidence will have to wait until Kyle's hearing to be presented. A mysterious man climbs into Dante, but Dante's sensors don't pick up his presence or voice. The man tells Kyle to find "Mr. Fantastic" the supposedly dead truck driver.

Dante identifies the truck driver as Reed Northmoor, an actor. Kyle goes to his apartment to find him alive, and they both get attacked by gunfire from Miss Cassidy and Miss Kerry. After a narrow escape (with help from Dante, blinding the sharp shooters by using his rear-view mirror to reflect the sun's rays towards them), Reed tells Kyle that he was hired by the FBI to drive the rigged truck. The dead body found was a med-school cadaver.

Dante takes Kyle to the location of the rig carrying the Choctaw, located by a news helicopter. Dante must return to Sky One before Kobak realizes he's missing. The other vehicles attempt to stall Kobak: Plato zaps him in the rear with an electric probe, KAT asks him to look into zero-emissions engine thrust, and Beast simply pins him against the wall. Dante returns, but Kobak notices that "Dan's" engine is warm.

Kyle sees Section Chief Maddox driving the stolen rig. He contacts TKR, but Kobak cuts him off, since contact with Kyle is not allowed. The team tries to convince Kobak that Maddox must be the smuggler, and is just trying to stall TKR long enough for him to get the Choctaw out of the country. Kobak gives in.

Maddox discovers Kyle, and sends Miss Cassidy and Miss Kerry after him. Maddox pilots the Choctaw and fires a missile at Kyle. It misses, and the explosion hurls Kyle on to the legs of the helicopter. The rest of the team arrives, and Attack Beast fires a missile at the helicopter before they realize Kyle is on board. Fortunately, he misses. Kyle climbs into the cockpit of the Choctaw, punches out Maddox, and gets a quick flying lesson from Dante to land the helicopter. Kobak returns the team back to Kyle. As the criminals are being taken away, Kyle sees the silhouette of same mystery man who told him that the truck driver was alive.

Future Trivia answers:

Kobak imposes rules on TKR:
Submit receipts for meals
No super-unleaded in the vehicles
No personal calls
No calling 1-900 numbers (directed at Trek)
Dress code: ties required

Dante has over 6000 computerized voice modulations.

Sky One pages:
Terry Mao (?) is paged to the loading dock
"All mechanics assigned to blue shift are to report to engine modification briefing at 0900"
"Will the deck officer please report to engineering."