Journey To The End Of Knight ENG

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To stop a weapons smuggling operation, Mike infiltrates a drag racing gang with the assistance of a former Army buddy.


(talking about western-movies)
Mike: Every cowboy needs a sidekick.
KITT: I would not sell yourself short, Michael. You are much more than a horse.


Knight of the Iguana ENG

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Mike (Justin Bruening) and Zoe (Smith Cho) go undercover in Baja as a honeymooning surfer couple in order to stop terrorist weapons from getting into the states. Sarah (Deanna Russo) and Billy (Paul Campbell) are brought into the mix and they quickly find the mission taking an unusual turn.



Knight of the Iguana NL

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Michael en Zoe gaan undercover als een stelletje surfers op huwelijksreis om een stel wapensmokkelende terroristen in Baja te ontmaskeren. Sarah en Billy komen er bij en al snel neemt de missie een vreemde wending.
